News: be informed of our platform updates, case studies and other experiments

Read about the latest Programmatic Advertising industry updates, our platform updates, case studies and cool campaign experiments. We update our blog weekly and we hope you find the posts highly interesting and educational.

White House Most Visited Apps

What are the most visited/used Apps by phones residing in The White House?

The White House Campaign

The White House Campaign

As mentioned in a previous post, in the past few weeks we have deployed a GEO-Fence on/above the physical location of The United States White House. By deploying this GEO-Fence we are receiving adrequests which contain latitude & longitude coordinates - which match the lat/longs of the actual White House location. By bidding ‘high’ on these adrequests we can serve an ad (any ad) and by doing that; - ‘see’/detect which apps are ‘popular’ within that specific location > which is - again - The White House.

Some things to consider:

  • It’s very likely that many phones residing in The White House are highly encrypted. We don’t reckon the phone of the actual POTUS and/or senior staff-members are playing a factor regarding the outcome of this (yearly) experiment.

  • Please note that only in-app activity can be detected. Why? Because only an adrequest coming from in-app activity can contain lat/longs regarding the actual position of that phone. Adrequests coming from mobile-web activity do not contain this accurate lat/long data.

With that out of the way, find the results below:

  1. Breitbart

  2. USAToday

  3. CNN

  4. Accuweather

  5. Foxnews

*Based on 63.209 impressions delivered between 18-08 and 30-08, Bid of $ 82 CPM, No caps.

Want to learn more about GEO-Fencing and how this campaign technique can help your company/brand? Reach Out!

In-game Ads - Now Available

Integration with IronSource completed

IronSource integration

IronSource integration

We are pleased to announce that we are now able to offer more and extensive In-Game Ad inventory. By completing the integration with adnetwork IronSource, the scale of our In-game ad inventory has become a serious USP regarding our offerings.

Generally speaking, In-game advertising delivers strong ROI and provides brand-awareness in an unique way. Simple banners but also rich media and video ads can be served.

Request a demo/training here.

What are the top 5 apps being visited from devices in The White House?

Our annual White House campaign!

Screenshot 2020-08-18 at 13.27.34.png

We are pleased to announce that we have re-launched our annual White House campaign. We’ve deployed a GEO-Fence of 110 meters ‘on/above’ The White House (1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500, United States).


Because of the precision we can only serve ads in-app, as only adrequests coming from in-app activity, can contain GPS coordinates or; lat/longs.

By launching this campaign we can effectively ‘see’ which apps are most visited/used from devices residing in The White House.

- disclaimer - the result of this cool experiment doesn’t necessarily reflect reality as it’s likely many encrypted devices are in use (within The White House) - which we can’t serve ads on. The results of this experiment/campaign will be published on this blog between 28-08 and 04-09.

iOS 14 update will ask for an op-tin regarding third party usage of IDFA

A win for consumer privacy, a loss for serving relevant ads

Google’s advertising identifier is ‘GAID’, Apple’s Identifier for Advertisers is ‘IDFA’. Both help mobile marketers to attribute ad spend and f.e. initiate retargeting campaigns.

The new iOS update (based on previous updates; more than half of iOS users will update and install iOS 14) does not provide IDFA (identifier) codes - f.e. to attribute adspend and to initiate retargeting campaigns.

Essentially; a phone owner needs to actively opt-in to allow ‘limit ad trafficking’ in order for the device to pass the IDFA identifier. When doing so, this scary pop-up appears:

Screenshot 2020-08-18 at 16.17.11.png

Although this development/update is very beneficial for consumer privacy, serving of relevant ads - on iOS - will become very difficult. Perhaps most critically, is the impact this has regarding spend - on the two biggest platforms - for mobile user acquisition: Google and Facebook.

Google and Facebook almost always show the highest return/ROI on adspend. But, as most experts know, this largely due to the fact that both have immense amounts of data, hence more attribution ‘moments’ are reported.

Let’s see how this develops. Questions? Need advise? Reach out!

Google Chrome will start blocking 'heavy' ads

End of august 2020, this update will go in effect


Google announced Chrome will start blocking heavy, resource-draining advertisements by the end of August 2020. The original statement can be found here. An ad will be considered heavy if the user has not interacted with it (has not tapped or clicked it) and/or if it meets any of the following criteria:

- Uses the main CPU thread for more than 60 sec in total
- Uses the main CPU thread for more than 15 sec in any 30-sec window
- Uses more than 4 MB of network bandwidth

With these upcoming changes, we would like to encourage our clients to consider alternative ad experiences in Mobile Web environments, especially if they include auto-play video. We recommend switching to tap-to-play video experiences or reducing the quality and/or length of the video asset itself. Additionally;

  • Avoid using large assets.

  • Reduce the usage of auto-play settings (e.g., in Video, Swipey, Swipey Group and Transition components).

  • Always load assets after user interaction in Expandable experiences (e.g. move videos and other large assets to the expanded unit).

  • Be careful with custom coding. Do not include any extra Javascript code that might trigger high CPU usage, and avoid using custom code to load large external assets into your creative.

As always, reach out for questions.

Desktop & Connected TV in Front-end

As of now: Desktop & Connected TV in Front-end


We are proud to announce that launching desktop campaigns can now be done from within the front-end. Likewise TV Synchronization campaigns are also launchable from within the front-end.

Reach out for a demo!

Mini Case Study

Serving hyperlocal above 1800 hardware stores



In close cooperation with communication agency; Het Stormt (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) - We are serving banners above 1800 hardware stores in The Netherlands. The campaign has been developed for the new national initiative called ‘SAM Werkt’.

About SAM
SAM is an initiative from ‘Stichting Duurzame Inzetbaarheid Technische Groothandel’ which ensures employees and employers are working in harmony to stimulate sustainable partisanship for technically qualified employees working in one of these 1800 hardware stores.



Using our sophisticated GEO-Fencing tool we are able to report per location (1800 in total) and adjust sizes of GEO-Fences individually.

Want to know more about this campaign and how GEO-Fencing can be a strong digital marketing tool for your clients? Reach out!

New UI live and working

After weeks of fixing bugs, the recently announced significant UI update is live and working well

Among a much better looking UI, the update also contains technical improvement of many platform functions. A short-list:

  • A completely revamped campaign management UI: Bringing a faster account organization and campaign creation experience.

  • Cohort analysis: Compare correlation between key metrics for your campaigns.

  • Optimization model selection: You can choose different algorithm options directly from within platform.

  • Platform access credential management: Create as many credentials for your AdOps team members  as you need to manage your campaigns.

  • Cloud video hosting: More powerful video asset management.

  • More campaign analytics tools: including timeshift, measure sorting, custom measure calculations, more filters and heatmaps.

Reach out for a demo, questions or inquires.

Introducing Astrea algorithm - Model your Winrate

Model your WinRate curve with respect to the bid value for each request

How does the Astrea algorithm work?

Basically, the algorithm helps you find the right price for every impression, by simply not paying more (or; less) than an impression is worth. Its function is to model the WinRate curve with respect to the bid value for each request. This algorithm is especially powerful when exploring first price auction requests. With this, our exploring data stops being acquired by algorithms whose target is obtaining the optimum CPA; instead, the Astrea algorithm focuses only on managing data volume thus exploring new unseen requests.

Soon available in front-end

Togheter with the already announced significant general visual update, the function will be available in front-end in a matter of days.

Reach out for questions and/or additional info.

June Covid-19 offers & discounts

Take advantage of some serious Offers & Discounts


60% off on White Label DSP set-up fee

Service your own clients by obtaining our White Label DSP solution. Among many more USP’s, it’s possible to give your clients self-serve access (relying on our tech support is possible). The 60% discount means the one-time set-up fee (in June) is: $ 1520. Be advised; this offer only applies for the month June.

Free Rich Media & banner design

Need to convince a (potential) client/advertiser? Want to be helpful and pro-active towards your clients in these challenging times? Ask us to create a cool, advanced rich media banner. In this month (June) we do this for free - for (almost) any purpose.

$ 100 free campaign budget

Want to try out our platform before committing to anything? We offer a $ 100 free campaign budget as per the following conditions:

  • You work for an established media agency (link to LinkedIn profile and company URL are required).

  • You have actual clients/advertisers.

  • You have a genuine interest in the platform.

Feel free to reach out for questions and further information. Onward we go.

New native inventory & upcoming visual update

Soon: desktop in front-end & significant visual update

Update May 2020

Update May 2020

Visual update

Soon a significant visual update of the platform will take place. The main purpose of this update is to improve work-flow and main visual appearance. Reach out for questions and timelines.

Desktop in front-end

Aligned with this profound visual update, activating/optimizing/utilising desktop inventory will be present and accessible in the new front-end.

New native inventory

An integration with a native orientated SSP is nearing finishing stages. This new native inventory will become aligned with the upcoming visual update.

As always, reach out for questions or inquires.

3 free campaigns worth € 3000 each for Covid-19 fighters

3 FREE campaigns for non-profit/health organizations that are fighting Covid-19!


About 90% of our current/actual campaigns have either been paused or cancelled

To keep our ad-ops sharp and ready, but above all; to do our part regarding fighting this virus - we are offering 3 campaigns (each worth € 3000,-) to health organizations fighting Covid-19 for FREE.


  • Only non-profits/governmental health organizations can apply for a free campaign

  • A media-agency can be involved but logically; will not get paid.

  • Possibly we want to make a case of the campaigns, permission needs to be granted.

Technical Conditions:

  • Only a 300x250 will be served. We also do creation for free (max 3 correction rounds).

  • To achieve a healthy balance between serving on/in popular publishers (sites and apps) and Run of Network (RON), we will bid between € 2,03 and € 3,41 CPM (rates may vary depending on the country where the campaign must run). This means that we will deliver minimally 879.765 impressions, maximally 1.477.832.

  • Transparency to publisher level and independent tracking is possible.

Campaigns suggestions/idea’s:

  • Geo-Fencing hospitals

  • Geo-Fencing hotspots of Covid-19 infections

  • General (health) guidance/advise (regional, national or international)

Are you a health provider or do you have medical/non-profit related clients (in case you work at a media agency)? Reach out!

NOW offering desktop inventory!

Serve on all quality websites that allow advertisement

Desktop Inventory

Desktop Inventory

We are proud to announce that we now offer desktop inventory through our platform. We have waited a long time to include the ability to run desktop campaigns. Why? Because of our roadmap, because we are still a mobile-first DSP, because performance campaigns - generally speaking - run well on desktop, because we want to offer the latest cross-device tracking (more on that soon) and (let’s be honest) simply because a lot of clients (past and present) have asked us to include desktop in our offerings.

Publishers that can be served on, literally include all sites that allow advertisement. Some examples;,,,,,,,,,,,, and much more! Again; if a site allows advertisement (or; has an ad-slot) - 99% sure we can serve your ads on that (quality) site you like. Again, please note that running CPL/CPO/CPA/CPS campaigns (performance) is also possible!

Questions? Do you wish to receive full site list? Reach out!

New reporting and forecasting section!

Significantly improved reporting and forecasting sections

The multidimensional tool allows users to easily create reports (graphs, tables…)  without a single line of code as all the interaction is based on drag and drop. Easier than Excel! This update enhances the current version by adding some new features.


These new features include:

  • Time shift feature

  • Measure Sorting

  • Custom measure calculations

  • Improved filters

  • Heatmaps

  • Collapse rows

New features explained

Time shift feature 

It enables to compare your campaign metrics against past behavior: f.e. yesterday, last week, last month. Add a time filter and select a “Time Shift’’ which is different from “Off”.


Measure sorting

With this new version, at the top of the page the Measure row is available and there you can drag and drop them in order to sort them out as you please.

pasted image 0.png

Custom measure calculations

Do you have a KPI that is a combination of 2 measures? Now you can build reports with it by left-clicking a measure and selecting “Calculate”:

pasted image 0.png

Improved filters 

Do you have to filter by multiple elements? The filter feature on this new version has been improved in several ways to ease filtering:

  • List based filtering: simply copy and paste a list of items as shown in the next image and your report will be filtered accordingly. 


  • Regex based filtering: filter all the fields that contain a certain word.



Allows the user to display the information in a colorful and easy to read table.


Reach out for a demo or questions!

Corona-targetoo-panic discounts, free rich media

Every disadvantage has it’s advantage - Johan Cruyff

Collective Corona Panic - Offers & Discounts Targetoo

Collective Corona Panic - Offers & Discounts Targetoo

Getting scared already? We are! Not for obtaining the virus, but the apparent effect on markets. More specifically, the digital advertising market. Our market.

Well, the late (and legendary) Johan Cruyff has inspired us to make the best of this situation and simply continue with HARD work, delivering the best campaigns possible and stay creative.

That is why we have the following - ‘Corona-Targetoo-Panic’ - discounts & offers:

  • FREE Rich Media banners/ads

    • Cubes, interscrollers, game-elements, dynamic functionalities, native - you name it. You got a client you want to pro-actively surprise with a sophisticated ad? Reach out! Why surprise your client(s) with a sophisticated Rich Media ad? To demonstrate the awesome possibilities of programmatic display advertising AND to convince them of running a campaign! Need one? Reach out! Download our reference guide here.

  • 50% discount on the set-up fee for your White Label DSP.

  • 3 Free platform-training-sessions of 1 hour for up to 10 people.

These offers remain in place until further notice*

We ask you to join - and surrender to - this collective company panic, make the most out of it (by using our discounts and offers) and above all; keep smiling:)

Forward we go.

Purina Pro Plan & McDonalds - campaign examples

Targetoo campaign examples (February 2020)

Purina Pro Plan:

  • in-house created multi-functional rich media banner

  • served on devices that are being owned by people whom likely have a cat or dog (Kochava segment)

McDonalds Little Tasty Chicken:

Purina Pro Plan campaign

McDonalds campaign

New options White Label DSP

Increased options White Label DSP, updated CPV section and new native supply

We are happy to announce that the customizable options for our White Label DSP solution have greatly increased. Among many new customizable options we now offer customizable login portals, customizable page descriptions, rootsource adjustments and 3 different hosting options.

Furthermore our CPV platform section has been updated. More optimization options are now present. Also we are happy to announce that we recently finished an integration with a large native supply source. All updates are ready to be used in your account. Want a demo? Request one now!

DiCaprio ad fraud scheme - App-Ads.txt reflection

If Grindr would have adopted App-Ads.txt selling protocol, would that prevented this sophisticated fraud scheme from happening?

DiCaprio fraud scheme - App-Ads.txt reflection

DiCaprio fraud scheme - App-Ads.txt reflection

DiCaprio ad fraud scheme - Video by Pixalate

How the DiCaprio scheme worked:
When a real user opened Grindr, the supply-side partner(s) offered a display ad impression (adrequest). In addition to sending the required elements to fill the display creative, the responding Content Delivery Network (CDN) would also send a response back to Grindr, which called new JavaScript tags to run in the background of the phone and initiate new adrequests. These new ad request were for 1920x1080 video ads, claiming to originate from a Roku app on a Roku device. However, the spoofed ad requests were fed information via the “DiCaprio script” — a sophisticated algorithm apparently built to spoof Roku traffic. Advertisers would then bid on the fake Roku inventory, thinking they were reaching real Roku users (and serving them an ad); in reality however, it was fabricated Roku traffic functioning behind the scenes of the Grindr app.

What is App-Ads.txt?
App-ads.txt is a plain text file hosted on the domain of the app developer's website to identify the authorized digital sellers. This method allows advertisers to trust that they are buying authentic app inventory. Buyers that bid on app inventory can use the app-ads.txt which has been declared by the app developer on their website in order to verify that their impressions come from authorized sellers.

If Grindr would have adopted App-Ads.txt, would that prevented this sophisticated fraud scheme?
The short answer? No. The hackers (or; criminals) found a loop-hole in the Grindr application and selling inventory based on App-Ads.txt would not have prevented this fraud scheme. Essentially, we are talking about two entirely different OpenRTB scenario’s/aspects. For the people actually reading this blog; you could say that this question/comparison is not logical. That might be true but the real message of this blogpost? Potentially, anno 2020, the in-app advertising eco-system is just at the doorstep of experiencing sophisticated fraud scheme’s by hacking into popular Apps which have - until now - questionable safety procedures, protection or development present. Preventing your (popular) App from being hacked should have the same priority as extended protection and safety procedures that - for example - financial institutions uphold for their App(s).

Available: viewability and brand safety whitelists for EU, US, LatAm and MENA

Improve your Viewability rates!

High Viewability Whiteslists Available

High Viewability Whiteslists Available

Applying manually built whitelists that contain thousands of apps that either have a high - inherent - Viewability score (for example determined by MOAT), or; are considered brand safe (Brand Safety) - are STILL the best methods for increasing a Viewability rate and securing Brand Safety.

After weeks of research we now offer these whitelists to our valued clients. Want one yourself? Reach out!
