What are the most visited/used Apps by phones residing in The White House?
The White House Campaign
As mentioned in a previous post, in the past few weeks we have deployed a GEO-Fence on/above the physical location of The United States White House. By deploying this GEO-Fence we are receiving adrequests which contain latitude & longitude coordinates - which match the lat/longs of the actual White House location. By bidding ‘high’ on these adrequests we can serve an ad (any ad) and by doing that; - ‘see’/detect which apps are ‘popular’ within that specific location > which is - again - The White House.
Some things to consider:
It’s very likely that many phones residing in The White House are highly encrypted. We don’t reckon the phone of the actual POTUS and/or senior staff-members are playing a factor regarding the outcome of this (yearly) experiment.
Please note that only in-app activity can be detected. Why? Because only an adrequest coming from in-app activity can contain lat/longs regarding the actual position of that phone. Adrequests coming from mobile-web activity do not contain this accurate lat/long data.
With that out of the way, find the results below:
*Based on 63.209 impressions delivered between 18-08 and 30-08, Bid of $ 82 CPM, No caps.
Want to learn more about GEO-Fencing and how this campaign technique can help your company/brand? Reach Out!