Ad Creation & Rich Media
Inhouse creative services
As a RTB technology provider we decided to include creative services in our proposition. A talented team of designers is dedicated to providing high-end creatives/banners - from simple image banners to advanced Rich Media formats. The department carries a lot of knowledge regarding the placement and serving of different formats in the complex Real-Time-Bidding landscape.
Programmatic Rich Media
We know what formats should be used for what campaigns. We know which formats have relatively low CPM’s when looked at from a ROI perspective. We know how to prevent big discrepancies. We know which formats work and which don’t.
Free Rich Media banners
Do you need to convince a client? Contact us to get free Rich Media Banners. We are happy to help you.
Our Studio
"Philips HUE"
"Nike NFS"
"Buddha to Buddha"
"Jungle Book"
Image gallery
360 view
"Het Lokaal"