News: be informed of our platform updates, case studies and other experiments

Read about the latest Programmatic Advertising industry updates, our platform updates, case studies and cool campaign experiments. We update our blog weekly and we hope you find the posts highly interesting and educational.

Nissan Patrol campaign - Left/right rotation; day/night

Inhouse created Rich Media unit for Nissan

Rotating your phone right or left will initiate a day or night scene. The full-screen creative is currently being served in several Geo’s - with rigid brand-safety methods being applied.

Thanks for your continuing trust in us Nissan!

Nissan Patrol Campaign

2019 > 2020

What a year, what a year


Brand Safety, Whitelabel DSP, Viewability, first price auction protocol, Geo-Fencing, Footfall Attribution reporting without relying on SDK’s, native formats > some subjects that were really relevant for us - and our clients - in 2019.

In 2020, we expect a continuing stabilization and professionalization of Programmatic Display Advertising - in general. We estimate that once again; brand safety, fighting ad-fraud and cross-device reporting will be major topics for advertisers. We also predict our, rather unique - whitelabel DSP solution will continue to gain in popularity with media agencies. We also expect that the accuracy and validity of adrequests with lat/longs will continue to grow and professionalize.

We want to thank our clients and their - in most cases - unconditional trust in our technology and service-level. In almost all cases/campaigns; we genuinely enjoyed deploying them, do optimizations and simply deliver a good campaign.

On behalf of entire team; thanks for an amazing year!

Dynamic Banner - Weber/Beamix

Weber/Beamix Campaign

Serving ads on/above 400+ store locations and mentioning the store name dynamically - depending on where the ad is served

So, instead of creating 400+ different banners - each naming a different store name, we deployed our dynamic banner protocol. With this, it’s possible to dynamically show the name of the ‘closest store’ depending on where the ad is served - WITHOUT having to upload 400+ different banners. Not new, nevertheless a campaign we genuinely enjoy to deploy/run. Also take note of the click-to-call and click-to-email buttons on slide 4.

Thanks Weber/Beamix!

Rich Media: Aptamil

In-house created Rich Media unit for Aptamil (Danone)

Thanks for your business @team!

Aptamil Campaign

Out now - Rich media guide

We have just released a new Rich Media deck/guide. Discover best practices, research and much more.

IAB and e-Marketer research

IAB and e-Marketer research

In the guide we describe case studies, the benefits of NOT using third-party creative/rich media solutions but also brand safety guidelines when serving Rich Media.

Advantages of NOT using third-party solutions

Advantages of NOT using third-party solutions

Brand Safety best practice

Brand Safety best practice

The guide is free and can be requested here.

Best practices for Brand Safety - Out now

Background info, best practices, research, our integrations and more!

Brand Safety Guidelines - Targetoo

Brand Safety Guidelines - Targetoo

Brand Safety; a hot topic. We just released a guide that contains a lot of information, methods and best practices. All to school yourself (and your team) and to ensure your brand is safe when it comes to Programmatic Display Advertising. Request the guide here.

CPI on OpenRTB - Guide basics

Targetoo CPI Guide OpenRTB

Targetoo CPI Guide OpenRTB

CPI – Get your app downloaded and installed for a fixed price (per install) – Targetoo Guide (basics)

Cost Per Install is calculated by dividing the ad spend (over a specific time period) by the number of new installs from that same period. For example, if you spent $200 on ads for your mobile app and generated 130 new installs, your Cost Per Install would be $1.53.

If you want more users/purchasing consumers – for your app, CPI methodology might be a good solution. Which-ever vendor/partner you choose – to drive/realize installs of your app – you will pay a fixed fee for every install.

Industry Benchmarks: The benchmarks for CPI vary significantly depending on the type of app, industry, and country. The global average across all app types is $0.53 USD for Android and $1.24 USD for both iPhones and iPads. For more specifics, request our CPI benchmarks oversight.

Sensitivity regarding fraud: being that a vendor/tech supplier gets paid for every install that has been achieved, this methodology is sensitive for fraud. Essentially, installs can be faked, either manually or organized (for example using bot-traffic).

How do we – Targetoo – approach this advertising methodology (CPI)?

In our experience there are 2 ways of running a good/organic CPI campaign – if preventing fraudulent installs is a big priority (which it should be).

  1. Using affiliate networks. The 20 year old discipline is still considered a strong/proper method in regards to driving real installs of your app. Essentially; an affiliate network/vendor offers it’s publishers a fixed fee for every install that is achieved. The main point to take into consideration here, is that publishers want to earn (monetization) based on the amount of visitors/users this publisher might have. A publisher can decide to monetize by selling it’s traffic based on CPM. However, in some cases publishers have a specific audience/user-base that might be interested in installing an app. Being that publishers – using affiliate offers to earn – can make their own decision in regards to promoting an app and the knowledge that the publisher has regarding the interests of his audience/user-base; can be beneficial for results. Because the risk of getting paid lies with the publishers, this method (using affiliate networks) can be considered relatively safe. Make sure an affiliate network of choice has strong anti-fraud policies.

  2. Using a Demand Side Platform (or; DSP). Although achieving a low (or; profitable) CPI is difficult on OpenRTB (anno 2019), it can be done. The DSP in question should harness a CPI target option. Most established DSP’s have this functionality in their platform. A quality ad/creative can be a deciding factor for a consumer to install an app. Likewise, the targeting setting. For example: reaching a specific audience based on the location (Geo-Fencing) where a(n) ad/banner is served can have a major influence on results.

Targetoo advanced CPI guide. For our long term and structural clients we have an ‘Advanced CPI Guide for OpenRTB’. This guide portrays case examples and in-depth do’s and don’ts. 

Please note that although our platform harnesses an CPI target functionality, we always and only bill based on CPM/CPC/CPCV models. In that sense; the risk of achieving a low enough CPI, is our clients’

Complete video tutorial - covering 56 sections of Platform - available as of today!

Video tutorials available as of today

Video tutorials available as of today

We are pleased to announce that - from today - we are able to provide 56 clips/videos, covering every aspect of the platform

The clips can be provided all in once, or; when you want to learn/study a specific segment of the platform - one at a time. Reach out to receive a simple list of the 56 segments/subjects/functions that are covered.

Maggi Campaign - Rich Media

In-house created, multi-functional, extensive flow/options. Thanks for your continuing trust in our services Maggi!*

Maggi campaign

Reach out for advise.

*As agreed with client we are only showing a scaled-down, low-resolution version of the ad. The actual ad that is being served has a higher resolution.

Case Study: Serving ads on Eigen Huis beurs + Remarketing

Ads served on the event: 0,21% CTR. Ads served in remarketing line: 2,21% CTR. Thats an increase of 1000+% - What is going on?

For a client we served banners on the exact location (placing a Geo-Fence) of an event for home-owners and the like. The event took place in the Jaarbeurs Utrecht - from 20 till 22 september. We served this banner:

Crindel 300x250

Crindel 300x250

How can we reflect on this (very) low CTR?

As seen before - when serving banners on events - the CTR of these campaigns/lines can be very low (even though the message/ad is highly relevant). The most logical explanation is that people who get an ad served while they are attending the event, are in a rush, strolling the boots, walking etc. Hence the low CTR.

As mentioned, in the weeks that followed the event we served retargeting/remarketing ads/banners on the devices that were ‘captured’ during the event. We served this banner:

Crindel remarketing banner

Crindel remarketing banner

How can we reflect on the extremely high CTR of this retargeting/remarketing line?

As mentioned, the CTR of the remarketing campaign is/was 2,21%. That’s an increase of 1000+% - compared to the original line. How can we explain this? In our perspective/experience the most logical explanation is that people who get the ad served in the weeks that followed the event are NOT in rush. They are NOT strolling boot for boot. They have time. Hence the (very) high CTR.

That’s event targeting and remarketing for ya. Want to experiment with your own retargeting/remarketing strategies? Reach out!

Purina Rich Media creative - Engagement at his finest

Purina Pro Plan campaign

For Purina we are running a global campaign. The crafted Rich Media creative offers diverse options for dog/cat lovers to play with.

The campaign has 2 lines:

  1. Whitelist of apps and sites dedicated to cats and dogs (global)

  2. Third party data bought from Kochava; essentially targeting device id’s that have been categorized/cached as be owned by people who likely own a dog or cat. Due to the GDPR, this second line is not running in Europe.

Want advice (campaign or creative wise) regarding your potential campaign? Reach out!

Autonomous Approval for whitelabel DSP clients

When having self-serve or whitelabel clients, autonomous approval of campaigns, is an option that not many DSP’s offer. Why is that the case?

Autonomous Approval

Autonomous Approval

Autonomous approval means that a self-serve or whitelabel DSP client can autonomously approve and activate campaigns - essentially without the need of us approving and activating the campaign in question. The reason we (and many other tech vendors) don't offer this to every (new) client is because the potential damage it can cause - regarding the relationship between us (Targetoo) and adexchanges/SSP’s - is substantial.

We get about 60-100 inquires a week. Most of them are shit. We scan every inquire vigourously before starting a cooperation. This is because many so called ‘traders’ and ‘media-buyers’ want to serve malicious ads/banners. To many times we trusted a new client, gave him/her autonomous approval, and then after a few weeks of this client serving ‘normal’ branding ads/banners, malicious campaigns where set-up and launched. Causing a lot of damage in the form of adexchanges/SSP’s shutting down traffic (temporarily or structurally). Apart from the damage regarding trust between us and adexchanges/SSP’s, actual fines (from adexchanges) are also not uncommon. Oddly enough, most of these traders come from - or; are located in - China. After receiving hundreds of inquires from Chinese firms - over the years - we simply have not established 1 fruitful partnership so far. Food for thought.

Essentially we only provide autonomous approval after a long time working together, mutual trust and the absolute guarantee that this ‘autonomous’ client only serves normal/branding ads/banners.

Think you are qualified to have an account with autonomous approval? Reach out!

Getting traction @DMEXCO at $ 2214 CPM, Updated performance algorithm

Geo-Fencing @ DMEXCO

Geo-Fencing @ DMEXCO

Updated performance algorithm

We are happy to announce our proprietary performance algorithm has been updated. The update upholds a faster sweet-spot finding (lowest CPO) and increased bid options. Also, the forecasting tool now contains a function to calculate CPO - based on availability and data from past campaigns.

Getting traction with a Geo-Fence ‘above/on’ the DMEXCO location at $ 2214 CPM

Although we only served 61 impressions, the appaerant bid amount ($ 2214) to actually get traction can be discribed as ‘insane’. The value shows again the consolidation of hyper-local ad serving industry. Big events? Count on it somebody is Geo-Fencing that location.

Reach out for more info and case studies.

Pizza Hut Rich Media In-Ad Game - 10 days remaining free Rich Media

Until 31-08 we will provide FREE Rich Media ads/banners for anyone who needs one*

Check out our recent creation for Pizza Hut: >

* If your campaign budget is over $ 2000
* If you want to persuade a client to book a campaign (its our risk if the campaign does not come through)
* If you feel in any way that a free Rich Media creative is beneficial for your and our business (motivation needed)

Targetoo moving to first price auction protocol

1st price Auction Targetoo

1st price Auction Targetoo

The majority of ad exchanges that we are integrated with, will be moving to first price auction during Q3 and Q4 2019. However, there are some ad exchanges that have already moved their inventory to first price auction such as Teads and Rubicon.

What does this mean for advertisers buying programmatically?

Up until now, Targetoo has traded programmatically using a second price auction protocol. In other words, the winning advertiser bid pays the second highest bid price. This will start to change effective immediately starting with the ad exchanges listed above that are / have already moved to first price auctions. What this means for advertisers is that you won’t be charged the second highest bid anymore. Instead, you will pay the price that you bid, every time you win a programmatic auction.

Reach out for questions or additional information/instructions.

Free Rich MEDIA in July and August

In the remaining part of July and the entire month of August we make advanced Rich Media creatives for free*

* If your campaign budget is over $ 2000
* If you want to persuade a client to book a campaign (its our risk if the campaign does not come through)
* If you feel in any way that a free Rich Media creative is beneficial for your and our business (motivation needed)

Reach out for more info and have a great summer.

Example - BMW Interscroller 320x480

Ads.txt for Apps

After adopting the option to target ads.txt inventory for mobile-web, we now offer the same for in-app inventory.

Ads.txt Targetoo

Ads.txt Targetoo

Authorized Digital Sellers, or ads.txt, is an initiative of IAB to improve transparency (for example fighting ad fraud and preventing misrepresented URLs) in programmatic advertising. Publishers can create their own ads.txt files to identify who is authorized to sell their inventory. The files are publicly available and craw-lable by buyers, third-party vendors, and exchanges.

We now offer the targeting-tool for mobile web inventory and for app inventory.

  • The app-ads.txt specification is an extension of the original ads.txt standard to meet the requirements for applications distributed through mobile app stores, connected television app stores, or other application distribution channels.

  • You will be able to select this option in the targeting section of your campaign.

  • Not all of our integrated SSPs & Adexchanges support this yet (for apps), so be aware the reach will be limited.

Reach out for questions regarding this new option.

New tracking guidelines available

Available as from today

Targetoo conversion tracking guidelines

Targetoo conversion tracking guidelines

Please note that if you are interested in our whitelabel solution; it’s possible to custumize trackers, scripts, pixels to the name/url of your company/site. Now that’s a true whitelabel.

Instant Ad-Ops support - Targetoo App is live

Targetoo Application is live

Targetoo Application is live

Download our App for instant Ad-Ops support and more!

We are happy to announce the Targetoo Application is downloadable in the App Store and in Google Play. With this application it’s possible to receive instant Ad-Ops support.

Soon to become available; a scaled down version of our forecasting tool. Reach out for campaign advise and all other questions related to Programmatic (Mobile) Advertising.
