The Better Ads experience policy has been made public by Google. When utilizing Google Play apps, additional rules have been added regarding unexpected interstitial advertisements. The new policy's goal is to enhance everyone's in-app experience because the company values its customers and is user-oriented.
Users may find unexpected interstitial adverts irritating and have a negative app-using experience as a result. With the Better Ads policy, Google is attempting to solve the annoyance caused by advertisements appearing when consumers least expect them, particularly when playing incredibly casual games.
What constitutes ad interruptions?
The Coalition for Better Ads (CBA) has labeled those placed in a way that interrupts the user experience as "unexpected ads." According to research, consumers anticipate seeing advertisements towards the conclusion of a game, level, or piece of content or whenever it permits them to utilize the app uninterrupted.
What are interstitial ads?
Interstitial ads are full-screen images or videos that show up covering the app’s content for a set period of time. Most typically they are displayed in transition points in the flow of an app, pauses between levels of a game or between activities.
What are the new Better Ads Experience interstitial ad guidelines from Google?
Developers must now adhere to the following ad standards in order to have their advertisements displayed and provide customers with the best possible service:
All forms of full-screen interstitial advertising that appear abruptly, usually after the user has made another decision, are prohibited.
Advertisements that display during game play at the start of a level or at the start of a content segment are prohibited.
Ads that play in full-screen mode before an app's loading screen are prohibited.
All full-screen interstitial advertisements that cannot be closed after 15 seconds are prohibited.
These guidelines don’t apply to:
advertisements that users have voluntarily chosen to view, such as those that reward viewers for watching the entire advertisement.
Advertising and monetization methods that don't obstruct normal app usage, such as video content with embedded adverts.
How can user acquisition tactics be modified to adhere to the Better Ads Experience?
There is no need to be concerned about these new regulations. The new Google policy won't have an impact on your overall revenue from interstitial advertisements because there are several ad formats and tactics available to customize user acquisition campaigns and make them interesting and lucrative.
Rewarded adverts should be the first item you concentrate on. Users have the option to receive a reward from the app in exchange for watching a video or interacting with a playable ad using this incentive-based ad structure. Users no longer have to worry about being surprised if they choose to interact with an advertisement, and the policy no longer applies.
You may take advantage of the way users engage with our ad and have a significant impact on performance by focusing on various areas of your creatives, such as end cards and creative experience optimization. It all comes down to enhancing the user's interaction with the advertisement, not just the asset you are displaying.
As of today, October 5, 2022, the new Google Better Ads policy is in place. It's imperative for developers to check that all of their interstitial advertisements adhere to the new rules by carefully reviewing Google's policy, comparing it with each ad they are running, and making the necessary adjustments for any that don't.